The Rise and Fall of the Dutch Groningen Gas Field
Source: Relinde Van Loo, E&C Consultants The Groningen gas field was discovered in 1959 by the Dutch Petroleum Company (Nederlandse Aardolie...
Source: Relinde Van Loo, E&C Consultants The Groningen gas field was discovered in 1959 by the Dutch Petroleum Company (Nederlandse Aardolie...
Interview with Agata Loskot-Strachota from the Centre for Eastern Studies The situation with the Nord Stream 2 Project is very dynamic...
According to Cedigaz, the NBP spot price for Q1 2018 settled at $8 MBtu, a level that is relatively high...
The so called ‘Beast from the East’ brought cold temperatures for most of Europe. At the same time technical issues...
The EU gas and energy sector is in the midst of a profound transformation driven by decarbonisation, digitalisation and decentralisation....
After the earthquake in the Netherlands, the gas sector must adjust to further cuts in L-gas imports. The electricity prices...
Ukraine is running out of time to provide western gas consumers with the necessary trust to abandon the Nord Stream...
German gas storages switched into withdrawal mode on the 6th of November and remained in this mode for the rest...
Iran, together with Turkmenistan, possesses almost 28% of the world’s total proven natural gas reserves. When the imminent lifting of...
U.K. natural gas is one of the few commodities world-wide which is actually being boosted by the decision to leave...
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