LNG-and-the-future-of-energy LNG-and-the-future-of-energy LNG-and-the-future-of-energy




Energy prices and climate change: how to strengthen the EU’s competitiveness

The recent energy crisis has intensified the competitive pressure on European businesses, particularly in the hard-to-abate sectors. European industry is now at risk of losing its worldwide market share to competitors with lower production costs and, on average, much higher carbon intensity. Uncompetitive European energy prices, which are projected to remain higher than our major competitors over the coming decades, are playing a major part in this decline. The result is a fundamental risk to our long-term competitiveness and Europe’s ability to invest in the transition to a low-carbon economy.

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Why the EU needs U.S. LNG

The gas market in Europe may seem calm, but the underlying threats are just as great. The continuing war in Ukraine, the Gaza conflict, and deep tensions throughout the Middle East mean the energy security environment is becoming increasingly volatile. Europe will need gas imports from non-Russian sources for many years to come, well beyond replacing what should be the last tranche of Russian gas allowed to transit Ukraine. Source: John M. Roberts & Ariel Cohen

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Energy prices and European Monetary Policy

This paper first shows that, contrary to conventional wisdom, the European Central Bank (ECB) can influence global energy prices. Second, through Lucas critique-robust counterfactual analysis, we uncover that the ECB’s ability to affect fast-moving energy prices plays an important role in the transmission of monetary policy. Third, we empirically document that, to optimally fulfill its primary mandate, the ECB should swiftly tighten policy in response to an increase in energy prices. Crucially, the tightening required depends on the ECB’s ability to influence global energy prices.

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International policy: why Europe needs Africa

The war in Ukraine has made Europe more dependent on the supply of coal, natural gas, and oil from Africa—Africa’s gas supply to Europe is projected to double by 2050.71 This is a short-term economic imperative. Reducing gas supply from Russia has increased prices and impacted European industries.

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