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According to the authors, given the growing geopolitical risks around energy supply, the UK’s increasing reliance on imported LNG appears shortsighted. It neither helps stability, supports UK jobs or reduces CO2 emissions. By actively discouraging investment in the UK’s natural gas assets, Britain is leaning ever more heavily on pipeline gas from Norway alongside imported LNG which is only adding […]
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Energy flows between the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea are changing. This is reflected not only in a contraction of flows from Russia, but also in an intensification of north-south or south- north flows, and a growing interdependence between the states of the region, as well as with certain member states of the European Union. Ukraine’s […]
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Europe’s heating transition is off track. With heating systems lasting 15–20 years, the continued market dominance of fossil fuel boilers is locking Europe into fossil fuel dependency, making the buildings sector a major challenge to achieving EU energy and climate targets for 2030 and 2040. The heating transition is vital to Europe’s energy transformation, offering benefits beyond emissions reduction – […]
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This analysis shows that the planned investment needs in EU’s energy infrastructure are expected to grow significantly, with hydrogen infrastructure showing planned investments amounting to almost €170 billion between 2024 and 2040. The analysis also showed that the energy infrastructure investments are not equally distributed across the EU, with Germany, France, and the Netherlands together accounting for 53% of total […]
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Ukraine emphasizes its readiness to act again as a transit country. However, to resume gas supplies to Europe through Ukraine, Azerbaijan also needs to reach an agreement with Russia. This remains a highly complex issue, where all involved parties must demonstrate political will to ensure the success of an economic deal. In the meantime, the Armenian propagandists and supporters in […]
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Europe’s proposed sprawling hydrogen network that would include 50,165 kilometers (km) of hydrogen gas pipelines is deemed impractical and unrealistic as a decarbonization strategy by the authors of this recent report. A sprawling hydrogen network is planned across Europe, including twelve projects that would expand or convert LNG terminals to import hydrogen derivatives, 50,165 kilometers (km) of hydrogen gas pipelines, […]
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Despite the focus on decarbonisation, both nuclear and natural gas will continue to serve as two important pillars of Europe’s power sector. Natural gas remains increasingly vital to provide flexible, firm power, offering longer duration power than battery storage to complement the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources. This is according to a recent white paper by Rystad Energy. The European […]
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This report provides a general overview of the regulatory systems for electricity and gas networks (transmission system operators (TSO) and distribution system operators (DSO)) in CEER member countries in 2024. A major focus is placed on the calculation of an adequate rate of return (RoR), the determination of the regulatory asset base (RAB) and the depreciation of assets in the […]
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The GB electricity grid is already facing stresses towards the end of this decade from retirements of nuclear and gas generation, as well as the growing difficulties with managing grid stability as the proportion of intermittent renewable generation increases. However, the highly ambitious Clean Power 2030 plan magnifies these dangers significantly. Gas plant retirements could be accelerated, and even if […]
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