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Demand growth in 2024 rebounded, driven by higher consumption in emerging countries and Asia, the IEA says. This is reversal to years of subpar growth post-Covid. Power and industries were the main drivers, as gas displaced oil and coal. Following the supply shock of 2022 and 2023, natural gas markets moved towards a gradual rebalancing and returned to structural growth […]
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This report identifies multiple decarbonisation pathways for Europe to 2050 all of which indicate key trade-offs between emissions reduction, costs and implications for gas demand. Scenarios that do not achieve net zero emissions by 2050 reduce those costs and keep a larger role for gas in the energy mix for longer. The role of gas in these scenarios, albeit smaller […]
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Since early February, we’ve seen remarkable shifts in Hungary’s natural gas imports and exports. HU-AT: For the first time since late 2023, large volumes arrived—likely influenced by the positive Ceegex-CEGH spread after a prolonged period. HU-RO: February saw strong Hungarian exports to Romania due to a significant negative Ceegex-BRM spread. However, by March, the price gap flipped, leading to lower […]
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FAQs on sanctions against Russia and Belarus, with focus on the following provision: Article 3r of Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014. Published on March 24. Can EU operators keep Russian LNG in storage in the territory of the Union (for example in Spain, France or Belgium) and then re-export it at a later time to take advantage of (price) arbitrage […]
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While there is plenty of noise around a potential restart of Russian pipeline gas to Europe as part of a possible peace deal between Russia and Ukraine, there are still several hurdles that will need to be overcome for this to become a reality. Growing optimism for a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine has sparked discussions about the potential […]
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Weekly prices in most major European electricity markets fell below €85/MWh. The increase in renewable energy production and the decrease in electricity demand favored these decreases. In the third week of March, weekly prices in most major European electricity markets fell below €85/MWh, after exceeding €100/MWh in the previous week. Almost all markets registered the lowest daily price since at […]
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European gas prices fell from its two year high following peace talks, possibility of flexible storage plan, and mild weather conditions. The end of the Ukrainian war may ease sanctions on Russian energy with a possible return of gas supply to Europe, but LNG remains crucial European industrial demand recovery is picking up but a slowdown is in the horizon […]
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Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) Position Paper on European Security of Supply and storage-related measures. The European energy landscape is evolving rapidly, and with it, the need for a robust and adaptable security of supply strategy. GIE’s latest position paper highlights the crucial role of gas storage in stabilizing energy markets, mitigating price volatility, and ensuring resilience in an increasingly unpredictable […]
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In February 2025 the development of two Cyprus offshore fields was announced – Aphrodite and Cronos. The significance of this is around two overlapping stories. This commentary by OIES examines the decline in Egyptian gas production and how the country has increased imports to balance its high domestic demand. It also looks at the development plans for Aphrodite and Cronos […]
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