French biomethane production more than quadrupled since 2020, with the country now on track to surpass the 1 bcm threshold this year and become Europe’s largest biomethane producer in 2025, ahead of Germany and Denmark.
Biomethane production in France rose by an impressive 30% in 2023 and continued to expand at a similar rate in the first five months of 2024.
The latest French draft Climate and Energy Strategy raised the country’s biomethane target to 4 bcm by 2030 and the industry has the ambition of 20% green gas by the end of the decade (which would translate into 7-8 bcm).
France’s vast agricultural sector, the proactive approach of DSO/TSOs, well-designed subsidy schemes and a public acceptance all contributes to the success of French biomethane.
Source: Greg Molnar (LinkedIn)