Bearish spot fundamentals about to take over concerns on Russian gas supply?
European gas prices were mixed yesterday: slightly up on the spot, slightly down on the curve as the improvement in...
European gas prices were mixed yesterday: slightly up on the spot, slightly down on the curve as the improvement in...
Amid mild weather conditions in early gas summer of 2022, Europe’s storage fullness is steadily approaching the average for 2012-21....
How much is the gas? Gas prices remain at historic highs in Europe, at pre-shale records in the US, and...
Strong LNG imports across the past few months (heralded by strongly negative JKM/TTF spreads) have helped European gas storage levels...
European gas prices were up yesterday, supported by Gazprom's decision to suspend gas deliveries to Dutch operator GasTerra as of...
European gas market is now in a period of change that has affected even things that had seemed unchangeable until...
European gas prices were up on Friday as unplanned maintenance continued to limit Norwegian supply (which rebounded slightly on Friday,...
Fast and furious: European gas storage injections hit their highest on record for the April-May period this year, slightly above...
European spot gas prices increased yesterday, supported by lower pipeline supply. Indeed, Norwegian flows dropped to 305 mm cm/day on...
Since late 2021, European gas market has been a magnet for spot LNG. Amid record-high prices across the regional gas...
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